[T-938] Perhaps I should do more reading?

Dear Rine,

Active immersion doesn’t do much to boost listening comprehension, does it? At least it’s how it is the way I’m doing it. My Migaku plugin, it is set to “reading” mode. That means that whenever a new line of subtitle appears, the plugin automatically pauses the video, even before the actors say their lines. So I first see the text, then hear the words.

Because of this I don’t need to focus on the audio as much. Frankly, I would miss a lot of it, as much of the spoken dialogue is slurred and mumbled. Too much for my untrained ears to cope with.

Anyway I’m not writing this to complain, but to ponder: maybe I ought to spend more time reading Japanese texts, instead of focusing on video so much?

It’s not a substitute for Netflix immersion by any means, given the poverty of contextual cues in plain text (compared to video w/ audio). But as a supplemental activity, it’s much easier to pull off. And it’s easier to jump randomly from source to source.

Today I had the Japanese Wikipedia article on Shimano opened in a tab right next to my Netflix. So when I drifted off from watching the show, I could go and skim that article. A much better way to be distracted then to look at Instagram.

Stats for today:

Total time Today
Immersion time 12:19 0:25