[T-984] I was sick but now I am confused


I was sick for a few days so I was mostly immersed in cold sweats.

But I haven’t suspended by Japanese immersion completely.

In fact I had enough time to go through the torturous instruction manual to setup the Migaku immersion plugin to see how it goes.

At this point I realized I don’t know how to mine sentences.

This is the point where I am departing from my previous stabs at Japanese study. I never quite reached escape velocity to pull away from the gravity of materials meant for learners.

Should I transition to monolingual dictionaries right now?

How many sentences should I mine when I watch a TV show?

Should I look up everything I don’t understand?

Should I mine everything I don’t understand?

How do I look up unfamiliar grammar structures?

I have been trying to find answers in old AJATT posts and more recent Matt vs Japan videos.

Let me know if you have any clues.

This is my first day of post-sickness so I’ll resume my what-I-did’s bullet points tomorrow.