Is emacs fixed?
[T-NA] Running tests
[T-927] Planned absence
[T-928] Points system to rate my immersion
[T-930] Weekly stats
[T-931] I found new shows!
[T-932] Inching by
[T-933] Enjoying the show
[T-938] Perhaps I should do more reading?
[T-939] Erasing the last 13 days
[T-940] Pitiful performance this week
[T-943] Half-time last week
[T-946] Experiment: what if I ignore Refold advice and broaden my immersion sources?
[T-948] I am back
[T-947] Forty seconds in half an hour
[T-935] Transitioning to more casual immersion
[T-953] Is this hack for increasing the frequency of T-1 sentences legit?
[T-955] I saw a deer today
[T-956] I'm trying to figure out why immersion feels like work
[T-957] Time shrinking
[T-959] I'm slipping and I'm faling
[T-961] How about non-spaced repetition?
[T-967] Leaving time for the final drill and questioning my approach
[T-968] Breaking news! I found out why Anki2SM was having trouble converting the Anki cards I made with Migaku
[T-969] The real reason Migaku and Anki2SM don't work together
[T-970] This is better than standard sentence search
[M-32] First monthly report!
[T-973] Can you clock passive immersion?
[T-974] Active immersion baby steps
[T-975] Here's why Japanese subtitles are sometimes misspelled
[T-976] Of course I went down a yabai & automator rabbit hole
[T-977] J-Pop in my car?
[T-978] Late night sentence fishing
[W-140] How was the ramen?
[T-980] How would your day be different if you knew your L2?
[T-981] Today for the first time I did all 3 things I'm supposed to be doing
[T-982] Anki2SM doesn't eat dictionary frequency stars
[T-983] Active immersion first impressions
[T-984] I was sick but now I am confused
[T-988] Zero
[T-989] Our immmersion conversation from today
[T-990] This instructive joke conveys the immersion mindset
[T-991] All-day passive immersion doesn't interfere with your daily life... it improves it
[T-992] The input hypothesis sounds too good to be true (yet here's why I trust it is)
[W-142] First weekly report woohoo
[T-994] Train your brain with a Japanese train (Python script inside)
[T-995] My wife got angry when I showed her my custom immersion gear
[T-996] 20 years ago is the second best time to plant a tree
[T-997] Sticks and carrots
[T-998] Unstuck like the Ever Given
[T-999] It's a fine Rine between success and failure